JAVA Programming

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming language and a platform. Java is a high level, robust and secure programming language. In 1995, Java Was developed by Sun Microsystems. In this tutorial, we have made it easy to understand this Programming Language.

Platform: Any software or hardware environment in which a program execute is called as a platform. Since Java has a API and runtime environment (JRE), So JAVA is called a platform.

Types of Java Applications

Four Types of applications that can be created using Java programming are as follows:
  1. Web Application :

    Web Application is defined as an application that runs on the server side and creates a dynamic page. Recently Servlet, JSP, Struts, Spring , JSF, etc. technologies are used for developing web applications in Java.

  2. Standalone Application:

    Standalone applications are also called as window-based applications or desktop applications. These are Old software that we need to install on every machine.

    Examples: - Media player, antivirus, etc. AWT and Swing are used in Java for creating standalone applications.

  3. Enterprise Application :

    Enterprise application that is distributed in nature in the field of banking applications, etc. Enterprises Application has advantages of the load balancing, high-level security and clustering.

  4. Mobile Application :

    An application which is made for mobile devices is known as mobile application. Recently, Java ME and Android are used for creating mobile applications.

How to works on NetBeans IDE Environment

  1. Start NetBeans IDE → Click on File → New Project → New Window Will appear → Select from categories as Java if you are working on console application otherwise select as per your requirement and Projects as Java Application

  2. Click on “Next” Button → New Window will appear → write project Name and Project Location where you want to save this project → Click on “Finish” Button.

  3. Start coding on File which has Name with .java extension.

    Example: -
    package javaapplication1;
    public class JavaApplication1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO code application logic here
    System.out.println("Hello World");
  4. After coding Click on “Run Project” → Below output show

    Output: -

    Hello World

Java Variable

It is Box which keep the value while the Java Program is executed. Generally, Java Variable is the name of memory location and the variable is assigned to Data types.

Types of Data Types in Java: -
  1. Primitive
  2. Non-Primitive
Types of Variable in Java
  1. Local variable: -

    Local Variable is defined as the variable which is declared inside the body of the method. We can’t define Local variable with “Static” Keyword.

  2. Instance: -

    This type of variable always defined inside the class but outside the body of method. Instance variable is not defined with static.

  3. Static: -

    The variable which is defined as static is known as static variable. Static Variable can’t create local variable.

JavaFX Tutorial

JavaFX is a Graphical User Interface toolkit for Java and in Short It is said to GUI. JavaFX makes it simple to create games and desktop applications in Java. We know that Java is one of the popular programming languages and it support all different types of operating system.

Some of them are follows below: -
  1. Windows
  2. Macs
  3. Linux
  4. iOS
  5. Android
Features of JavaFX
  1. JavaFX made with a big set of built-in GUI components, like text, fields, buttons, tables, menus, trees, charts Which saves more time when building a desktop application.
  2. JavaFX components can be styled using CSS, and you can use FXML to compose a GUI instead of doing it in Java code. This makes it easier to quickly put a GUI together, or change the looks or composition without having to mess around in the Java code.
  3. JavaFX has WebView based on the popular WebKit browser. So that web application and web pages embedded inside JavaFX.
  4. Set of ready-to-use chart components present on JavaFX, so it is not necessary to write code every time.
  5. JavaFX also comes with support for 2D and 3D graphics as well as video and audio support. This helps if you are developing a game similar media application.
Steps to create JAVAFX on NetBeans IDE Environment
  1. Start NetBeans IDE → Click on File → New Project → New Window Will appear → Select from categories as and Projects as JavaFX Application.

  2. Click on “Next” Button → New Window will appear → write project Name and Project Location where you want to save this project → Click on “Finish” Button.

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