Advanced Concepts of Bioinformatics


Task 1: - Introduction to R

  1. (5 points) True/False: R can be run as scripts or within an interactive shell.
  2. (5 points) Explain what R does when you try the following line:
    myvector = c(36, TRUE, "Foo")
  3. (10 points) Explain how vectors are different from matrices, and give an example (that wasn't already mentioned in the lecture notes) for each.
  4. (10 points) Write an R script that uses a range definition to create a vector of all numbers 1 -100. Then have your R print the sum of this vector.
  5. (20 points) Time to get creative. Use any of the plotting functions from the reading and lecture notes to generate a plot of any data set you find interesting. You can completely make up the data points, if you wish.


1. Yes, R can be run as scripts or within an interactive shell.   2. When we run the below script in R myvector = c(36, TRUE, "Foo") It will the store the data in vector, having three Data types. i.e Int,

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