Python Programming

Python is based on OOPS (Object Oriented Programming) Concepts. It is introduced by the Guido Rossum in year 1989. It is Designed for fast prototyping of mixed application. Python is extensible to C++ or C language. Presently python Programming is used by many companies like, Google, NASA, YouTube etc. Basically, Python programming used in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Networks and other advanced in the field of computer science. Python supports various programming pattern, including procedural programming, object- oriented and functional programming styles.

OOPS concepts of Python

Python is object-oriented Programming language from starting. It allows us to create and developed programming using oops Approach. The main concepts of OOPS are listed below: -

  1. object
  2. class
  3. Data hiding
  4. Method
  5. Encapsulation
  6. Inheritance
  7. Polymorphism

1. Object: - object is the instance of class. When class is instantiated then memory is allocated but when class is defined no memory is allocated.

2.Class: - class is a collection of objects.

3.Data Hiding: - It allows to prevent the function of program to access directly from internal of class type. There are three types of Data hiding in python i.e. Public, Private and protected.

4.Method:- In python Method is not unique to class of instance. Any class have method.

5.Encapsulation: - In encapsulation, data and code are wrapped together within single unit. Encapsulation is used to stop access to variables and methods.

6.Inheritance: - It is one of important concepts of object-oriented programming which is directly associated with real world life. In this child class acquired all properties and behavior of parent’s object.

7.Polymorphism:- It contain two words “poly” and “morphs”. Poly defined as many and morphs defined as form or shape. So, we can say that one task can perform in many ways.

ii.Application of Python

Some Major Application of Python are discussed below:
  1. GUI programming: - It supports Graphical User Interface applications that can be designed and imported to many system calls, windows systems and libraries such as Macintosh, Windows MFC, and the X Window system of Unix.
  2. Easy to Code: - It is a Programmer friendly language which means that Any developers can learn how to code it in very few Days in comparison with other programming language like java, C, C++, C# etc.
  3. Integrated by nature: - It is Integrated language. It means that It will execute code one line at a time. The special feature of python code is that On Execution only, it will immediately change into immediate form which is called as byte-code which is easy to execute and save the developer time.
  4. Highly Dynamic: - It is one of the growing programming languages used by industries. In Python the types of variable are decided at run time only not in advanced like other programming language.
  5. Open source: - Python is open source programming language, it means that anyone can download and create the application.
  6. High- Level Language: - It is high level language programming, It means that Developers has not worry for Programming structure, memory management as well as its programming architecture.

iii.Object-oriented Programming vs Procedure-oriented Programming languages

OOPS Procedural oriented
Development and maintenance of programs are easier. It is not easy to maintain the program if program become so lengthy.
It is problem Solving approach and computation is done by using object. Step by Step Program will execute
It supports the data hiding. It is less secure, because it doesn’t provide any data binding.
The example of Oops programming is Java, C++, .net etc. The example of Procedural programming is C, Fortran.

iv. Comparison between Python 2 and Python 3

When new version of any language has release then, new language supports all the syntax of older version, therefore it is easier to switch to new version released. But In case of Python the New version Python 3 is totally different from Python 2.

The Differences are listed below:
  1. In Python 3, the implicit string type is Unicode, But in Python 2, the implicit string type is ASCII.
  2. 2. In Python 3, input () function which is automatically interpreted the input types entered by the user, But in Python 2, raw input () function which is accept the user input.
  3. 3. Python 3 uses print as a function to print(“hello”) to print Hello on console, But Python 2 uses Print “Hello” to print Hello on console.
                            Def main ():
                                 Print (“Welcome to Quick Assignment Help”)
                            If _name_==” _main_”:

                            Def main ():
                                 Print “Welcome to Quick Assignment Help”
                            If _name_==” _main_”:


v. Interactive Mode Programming

The Below Example has been tested in Both Python 2 and Python 3.

The first Program in Python

                        Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:06:47) [MSC v.1914 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
                        Type "copyright", "credits" or "license ()" for more information.
                        >>> print(" Welcome to QAH")
                         Welcome to QAH

                        Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:24) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
                        Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
                        >>> print " Welcome to QAH"
                         Welcome to QAH


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